It’s time for one of the most important votes of the year – the school budget, school board members and capital projects. The school budget (which makes up about 60% of your property taxes) is the only tax-related budget on which you get to vote as our State, County, and local municipal budgets are voted on by the people we elect. School board members are elected to a three-year term.
Vote on May 21st from 7 am until 9 pm. The location depends on which district you live in.
Budget - The proposed budget for fiscal year 2024-25 is $159,204,563, a 2.37% spending increase over the current fiscal year. The tax levy increase is 2.59% which is under the tax levy cap. Based on property assessments, the school district estimates the change in tax rate to be a decrease of 4.64%. See the full 57 page document HERE.
Proposition II – Voters will also vote on a Capital Bond Proposition to fund a $28,025,000 Capital Bond. The benefits are described as essential infrastructure work in all six of the schools. See Fact Sheet HERE.
School Board – Five candidates are running for three seats on the school board. Incumbents are Sally Cantwell, Ariana Cohen and Andrene Smith with first-time candidates Michael Davidson and Elizabeth (Betsy) Bradley also on the ballot. See candidate bios HERE and check the LMC Media website to view it.
Mamaroneck Town Residents vote on Tuesday, May 21st from 7 am to 9 pm at your local elementary school (except Chatsworth Avenue School residents will vote at the Larchmont Avenue Church).
Rye Neck
Budget – The proposed budget for fiscal year 2024-25 is $51,127,223, a 2.97% spending increase over the current fiscal year. The tax levy increase is 2.19%, which is equal to the tax levy cap. Based on property assessments, the school district estimates the change in tax rate for Rye Neck taxpayers will be a decrease of 5.43% while Rye City taxpayers will see an estimated increase of 7.99%. See the full 175-page document HERE or a summary in the District newsletter HERE.
Proposition II – Voters will also vote on Proposition II which proposes to use $2.7 million from the Capital Reserve Fund to address maintenance, safety, and future improvements to school facilities. In 2022, voters approved the creation of the Capital Reserve Fund, and the district estimates the balance will be $2.7 million at the end of this fiscal year which will be entirely consumed for all the planned projects. Details can be found starting on page 30 in the budget referenced above.
School Board – Three candidates are running for two vacant seats on the school board. They are Nikki Barker, Halli Gatenio, and Martin O’Reilly. The candidates’ bios can be found in the latest District newsletter HERE.
A Candidates’ Forum is scheduled for Thursday, May 16th in the RNHS Performing Arts Center. It will be taped and available through the League of Women Voters Rye City, Rye Brook, and Port Chester website HERE.
Rye Neck Residents vote on Tuesday, May 21st from 7 am to 9 pm in the MS/HS Community Room.
