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Grant Funds Due to Expire Soon

Mamaroneck Observer

by Cindy Goldstein -


A good catch by Deputy Treasurer Laura Vasami reminded the Board of Trustees (BOT) that the Village had $924,802 of uncommitted American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grant funds that are due to expire shortly.  Some of the funds had been expended but almost half of the original grant is still unassigned.  Projects eligible for grant money from other sources are ineligible for ARPA funds.


According to the grant requirements (see HERE) the Village must have either spent all the funds or have them under a legal purchase order and/or contract signed by both parties by 12/31/24.  All ARPA funds must be fully spent (disbursed) by 12/31/26.  Approximately $1.1 million of the original $1.9 million has been spent.


A $400,000 project marked for “affordable housing” was included in a memo from then Village Manager Jerry Barberio to the BOT (see HERE) stated: 


Staff recommends that $400,000 be set aside for a grant program to encourage the development of affordable housing. It is envisioned that it could be used to help property owners improve their homes for the purpose of creating and fostering affordable housing.


The BOT could not recall the specifics of the affordable housing from 2022 and moved on to designate those funds to other projects currently in process in order to meet the upcoming deadlines.


Staff provided a list of ongoing projects that are eligible for ARPA funding (see HERE).  The BOT agreed to allocate the outstanding grant monies as follows:


1)     Florence Street drainage improvements $528,000 (project currently underway)

2)     Old Post Road sidewalk improvements $224,000

3)     Other Village sidewalk work $82,000

4)     Additional police cameras $89,000


It is anticipated that these projects will comply with the grant timetable and the Village will have used all of the funds available.


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