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Flood Update – April 24, 2024

Mamaroneck Observer

by Kathy Savolt -


Work addressing flooding continues on many fronts and there were several updates at the April 24th meetings.


Army Corps of Engineers Project

Mayor Sharon Torres reported that regular project phone calls with the Army Corps of Engineers (ACE), the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), Westchester County and our state elected officials, Senator Shelley Mayer and Assemblyman Steve Otis are continuing and she reported on the latest developments.


ACE now has a conditional certified cost estimate for the project of $130 million.  The next step is to identify the sources of funding and ACE is looking at alternatives to avoid having to seek additional funds from Congress.  Currently, ACE has $84.5 million, the State has committed $17.5 million, and the County has committed $17 million for a total of $112.35 million.  The State has included an additional $10.85 million in the proposed budget for FY 2024-25.  If it passes, this will bring the total funding to $129.85 million.


Once the funding is identified, the next step is for all participants to execute a Public Participation Agreement (PPA) with ACE that will lock in their level of funding and participation.  The Mayor was hopeful that the project would move forward with the design of the new Ward Avenue Bridge starting next year.  This is the first piece of the ACE project.


River Maintenance

The Mayor, Deputy Mayor Dan Sarnoff, and Village Engineer Gino Frabasile clearly stated that the Village of Mamaroneck has been doing river maintenance, and not dredging.  Dredging the river is not allowed under the permits issued by the DEC and is not permitted prior to the ACE project.


Removing debris from the river (branches, fallen trees and trash) and some silt from within 200 feet of some of the bridges is technically classified as river maintenance and the Village’s efforts are ongoing.  In fact, ACE requires that the Village do this work on a regular basis. 


The Village has also applied for an additional permit that will allow us to bring the water levels of the rivers at the confluence in Columbus Park back to the levels they had been when ACE first did their modeling.


When questioned by a resident about removing debris from the river near Revere Road, Frabasile responded that the Village was able to do so without a special permit.


Flood Mitigation for Property Owners

Thinking about raising your home?  Want more information about what’s involved?  The Village has hired a consultant, Roderick Scott of Flood Mitigation Solutions, who will be in the Village on May 10 – 14 to help you.  You must make an appointment.  See details HERE.


Washingtonville/Industrial Area Drainage Study

The Board of Trustees (BOT) approved $150,000 for a study of the drainage issues in Washingtonville and the Industrial Area last month.  As previously reported, there are few storm drains in these areas which are close to the Sheldrake River and routinely flood.  At the April 24th meeting, the BOT approved the hiring of SLR for the work which will be funded with monies from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021.


Cameras? No Cameras?

Last year, the Village contracted to lease six cameras to monitor river levels around the Village.  See previous article HERE. Since then, many have questioned the efficacy of these cameras, two of which are no longer working.  The BOT asked Sarnoff to determine if staff finds the cameras useful.  At the work session Sarnoff reported the results were mixed and the BOT is divided on whether or not to cancel the contract.  The question of whether cancelling the contract is even possible was raised by resident Stuart Tiekert at the regular meeting and the Village Attorney was asked to review the issue.



Sarnoff reported that the Village continues to seek and apply for grants to help with flood mitigation.  He mentioned several projects being considered by funders including the Ward Avenue Park, Anita Lane Bridge, and the Halstead Avenue Bridge.

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