By Cindy Goldstein -
As promised, Mayor Sharon Torres, Trustee Manny Rawlings, Deputy Village Manager Dan Sarnoff and Village Engineer Gino Frabasile had a phone call on Monday, April 8th with officials from the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), SLR (consultants hired by DEC), and Westchester County as part of a series of calls to determine what projects are recommended for flood mitigation, who is responsible and what grants are available to fund them.
Sarnoff referenced grants available through WQIP - Water Quality Improvement Program and a Green Infrastructure Grant Program. With grant announcements coming in May, grant applications are expected to be submitted by July. Decisions are expected within 3-6 months after submittal with shovels in ground somewhere around the end of 2025.
Planned Projects include:
Ward Avenue floodplain reclamation project - two grants available would likely cover 97.5% of the project cost. This would be the first project and is closest to the Harbor.
Columbus Park floodplain reclamation project - may include a floodable parking lot and smoothing/ straightening the two rivers that converge before the Station Plaza Bridge.
The Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) has stated in writing that as long as the floodplain restoration does not worsen flooding upstream they have no problem with the Village undertaking those projects.
Station Plaza Bridge where work would be done around the same time as Columbus Park with an application to the Bridge NY Program. The maximum grant is $5 million which most likely will not cover all of the costs.
Anita Lane Bridge – Westchester County has proposed legislation with a vote expected by the end of May. The bridge is owned by the County who would pay for the work.
Beaver Swamp Brook – the draft study is complete but must go through a review process with DEC and their consultant SLR and then by the municipalities. The final study with recommendations is expected sometime by mid to late summer.
Army Corps Project - The DEC is scheduling a call during the week of April 15th with ACE to review the status of that project in order to keep everyone informed and on track.
The Village also asked Westchester County to look at the Halstead Avenue Bridge as part of the Columbus Park work as advised by SLR. In 2009, the quote for the work was $15 million and costs have risen significantly since then. Some reports indicate that during flood events the water is backed up at the Halstead Avenue Bridge which, in turn, floods adjacent properties.
Pumps have been a much discussed topic with many speculating that they could be a short-term fix. DEC, SLR and Westchester County discussed pumps and the County will review and send a final recommendation hopefully by April 24th but no later than May 13th.
Replacement of the foot bridges in Columbus Park was discussed but does not seem to have enough impact to prioritize.
Village Engineer Gino Frabasile reported the following projects in process:
Florence Street Drainage Improvements Project – The existing stormwater conveyance system (from Florence Street to Keeler Avenue) has pipes that are sagging and damaged catch basins and manholes. This project will be put out to bid by the end of April 2024. It is anticipated that the timeline of the bidding process to the award will take approximately 1 month, and construction can commence by June 2024. Work is expected to take approximately 2 months (completion by August 2024).
Jefferson Avenue/Wood Street – The existing stormwater conveyance system is undersized and is easily overwhelmed by routine storms causing flooding to residents along the dead end of Jefferson Avenue and some residents along Wood Street from Jefferson Avenue to Grove Street. It is anticipated this project will be put out to bid by the end of May 2024 with the award to take one month. Construction can commence by July 2024 with completion within 2-3 months. The Village is also seeking FEMA reimbursement for this project.
Fairway Green/Old Post Road – this 40 acre drainage area is in the first phase of flow monitoring with a consultant conducting the study.
Washingtonville/Industrial Area Drainage Improvement Study – The Village has one proposal from SLR to conduct this drainage improvement study with more proposals expected by the April 15th due date. Proposals will be presented at the Board of Trustees April 24, 2024, meeting with the $150K study paid for by Westchester County
Clearing River Debris is allowed within 200' of specific bridges and is covered under the Village’s general permit. JP Cleary has been hired to remove silt and debris to return to the original depths and then DPW will take over regular maintenance. ACE will require routine maintenance so the Village will start now.
