By Kathy Savolt -
Change of Uses for C1, C2 and M1 Zones
After months of discussion, the Board of Trustees (BOT) finally approved local law J-2024 that expands the permissible types of businesses in the commercial and manufacturing zones. Most notably, animal hospitals and pet day care facilities are now allowed. Two such businesses were watching the process carefully as they were ready to sign lease agreements and begin the approval process.
However, once again, the BOT realized there were changes that needed to be made in the law as drafted. In order to allow the business owners to proceed, they passed the law with a 4-0 vote (Trustee Yizar-Reid was absent for this portion of the meeting) and immediately asked Village Attorney Robert Spolzino to work on the changes.
Village Reaches Bronze Certification for Climate Resiliency Efforts
Ellen Silver, Chair of the Village’s Climate Smart Task Force, reported that the Village had made enough progress to achieve Bronze Certification, a designation by New York State. Plaques noting this accomplishment will be displayed in the courtroom and in Village Hall at the Regatta.
Silver noted that to achieve this status, the Village had to take 17 climate actions and reach enough points to help reach New York State’s climate goals. The steps we took included replacing streetlamps with LED lighting, passing the Comprehensive Plan with climate action items, the organic waste program (see article HERE), completing a greenhouse gas inventory of our buildings and fleet. Silver recognized her colleagues who helped with the program, and thanked Dan Sarnoff.
The award comes with a $50K grant from NYS and it will be used to purchase two electric vehicles for the Building Department.
With the current agreement with Sportime due to expire soon, Spolzino told the BOT that there were still some details to be worked out. Sportime has agreed to provide group lessons to summer campers, but the specifics need to be ironed out. The new contract will provide for preferential pricing for Village residents to use the pickle ball courts
GP Parking Permits
General Parking (GP) permits expire May 31st and anyone wishing to renew can do so in person or online HERE.
First Half of Village Taxes Due
Tax bills for fiscal year 2024-25 are in the mail and payments are due on or before July 1st. Payments can be made in person, online or by mail. If mailing a payment, be careful to use gel-based ink to write the check to avoid check washing. Several taxpayers had their checks stolen last December when paying the second installment. Online payments incur an additional fee as governments are not allowed to absorb the credit card fees.
