New Police Officers
As one of her last official acts, four new police officers were introduced by Chief Sandra DiRuzza and sworn in by Mayor Sharon Torres at the meeting. All four transferred from the New York City Police Department (NYPD). Michael Ferraro comes to us with 8½ years on the job and a BA degree in Finance. Reynell De Los Santos, has 3½ years’ experience and a degree in Criminal Justice Management. Vladimir Pena, whose wife is also a police officer, has a degree in Economics and almost 8 years’ experience. Last but not least, Jonathan Martinez has 7 years with NYPD and is pursuing a degree in computer science. Welcome aboard!
DiRuzza Retires, Trujillo Appointed Chief
Police Chief Sandra DiRuzza had previously announced her retirement effective March 31st. She recounted her 21 years on the force and the challenges she faced and changes she championed in her four years as Chief. Facing COVID, flooding, mandated police reform and other challenges, DiRuzza managed to achieve New York State Accreditation status for the department, she oversaw a major review of the Department’s policies and procedures, created a departmental Wellness Program and began the installation of body cams.
Lt. Plinio (PJ) Trujillo was appointed Provisional Chief, effective April 1st. He will be sworn in at a future BOT meeting.
Jenkins Affirms County Commitment to Flooding Assistance
County Executive Ken Jenkins stopped by to update the BOT on the recently adopted County Budget and confirm that the $18 million set aside to help with Village flooding is still available. He was clear in the County’s commitment to help the Village.Â
He also discussed creative approaches to dealing with the lack of affordable housing which he described as a County-wide issue. Jenkins also repeated his commitment to affordable housing that allowed for preferences for current local residents which had been a significant concern during the Hunter Tier Project and also to work with the Village as partners in creative approaches. Another concern the County is tackling is the rising ConEd rates forming a consortium of municipalities to push back against the increases. The BOT approved joining the consortium at the meeting.
Village Clerk and Village Treasurer appointed
Following the retirement of long-time Village Clerk-Treasurer Augie Fusco and the splitting of the job into two separate positions, the two long-time Assistants were finally promoted to the positions. Sally Roberts is now Village Clerk and Laura Vasami is Village Treasurer, effective immediately.
Shuttle Scrapped
Citing a lack of support from the full BOT, Village Manager Kathleen Gill asked the BOT to rescind the recent resolution directing her to implement a pilot shuttle program on Mamaroneck Avenue. Gill stated the issue needed more work and community buy-in.
Beach Volleyball Courts Replaced
The BOT voted to install two new volleyball courts at Harbor Island Park, replacing two that were lost to the expansion of the Sprayground. At a cost of $38,000, these courts are expected to bring in $79,000 in revenue over the next five years.
Annual Municipal Storm and Sanitary System Report (MS4)
The current MS4 Report has been posted on the Village website for review and comment. It is due to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) on April 1st. Find report HERE.