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Board Highlights March 10, 2025

Mamaroneck Observer

Washingtonville Downzoned

After a public hearing held during the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees (BOT), the vote was 5-0 in favor of changing the zoning in Washingtonville from R-4 to R-2.  This means that residential (R) zone will no longer allow dwellings of more than two-family homes.  The impacted area is shown HERE. Members of the BOT cited density, flood prevention as well as traffic and parking issues.  During the public hearing, most speakers thanked the BOT for this action.


Greenway Update

At the Work Session, Kate Dehais, Chairperson of the Committee for the Environment (CFTE), gave an update on the status of the Greenway Project that is designed to improve the land along the Mamaroneck and Sheldrake Rivers and provide multiple benefits to the community. See presentation HERE and previous article HERE.


The CFTE, with the support of the BOT, has already received two grants totaling $60,000 and is working on designing the section of the Sheldrake River from the Mamaroneck Town border to Fenimore Road and the design of two crosswalks on Fenimore Road.


Dehais mentioned a new grant opportunity that could possibly complete the project that requires the BOT to vote to support the entire Greenway project and the requisite declarations of parkland.  The available funds are held by the Westchester County Soil and Water District by way of Save the Sound.  During the settlement of the lawsuit by Save the Sound regarding illegal discharge into Long Island Sound, the Village paid fines.  These monies (approximately $350,000) were given to the County as Save the Sound is not equipped to give out grants.  Dehais pointed out the benefit of returning money to the community.


There was a discussion regarding how much work along the rivers could be accomplished because of the pending US Army Corps of Engineers project.  Village Manager Kathleen Gill opined that most of the project could be done without interference with the Army Corps.


The CFTE has also been working on the Village’s participation in the NYS Climate Smart Program and David Freeman, CFTE member, told the BOT that undertaking the Greenway could give the Village enough points to lift us to Silver status, making the Village eligible for more State grant funding.


Dehais presented the BOT with a draft resolution for their consideration.  There was no immediate decision to add it to the next agenda (March 24).


Mamaroneck Avenue Shuttle

With a 3-2 vote, the BOT approved a six-month pilot program for an electric vehicle shuttle service to run along Mamaroneck Avenue between the train station and Harbor Island.  The hope is that the free shuttle will alleviate some of the parking issues on the Avenue.  Patrons can park at the train station for free after hours and hop on the shuttle that will make several stops along the Avenue.  Parking at Harbor Island during the season will be subject to the usual parking fees.  The shuttle will run Friday evening, Saturday afternoon and evening and Sunday afternoon.


The shuttle can be summoned through an app downloaded to a phone or can be boarded at a scheduled stop.  Details need to be worked out and it is anticipated the pilot program will start around May 1st for a six month period.  The cost will be $44,000 over two budget cycles.


Many Say Thanks

From the residents of Washingtonville and their friends to the Village’s most frequent critics, one by one speakers rose throughout the BOT meeting to thank the BOT members.


Several residents of Washingtonville and other areas of the Village spoke in favor of the Washingtonville downzoning and thanked the BOT during the public hearing.


During the time to speak directly to the BOT on any matter, frequent commenter, Glenn Tippett, led off by applauding the BOT for “being the adults in the room” by recognizing the budget impacts of the “last four years of spending.”  Tippett told the community that next fiscal year  will be a tough budget but “don’t blame these people; they’re cleaning it up.”   He ended by repeating “Thank you” three times.


Another frequenter commenter, Stuart Tiekert, said he “seconds what Glenn said” and it was “nice to have adults back in the room.”  After the meeting, a staffer commented that “it was refreshing.”

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